The Inspirations and McKameys at the Thomasville City Auditorium in Thomasville, Georgia

This was a Billy Hudson’s annual McKameys concert in Thomasville.

  • The Lighthouse Girls led off as usual. They are always inspirational.
  • The Inspirations were great as always. They have had a big turnover on all 4 singing parts recently, but you’d never know it by their sound. They have never sounded better. I still don’t like the steel guitar, but I’m getting used to it.
  • The McKameys were great as always.
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Greater Vision at Morningside Baptist Church, Valdosta, Georgia

I say this every time we visit Morningside, but this is the friendliness church we have ever been in. There were greeters outside in the parking lot, in the vestibule, and again inside the sanctuary. As we sat there (we always get there early to make sure we get the ‘right’ seat) church members went up and down the aisles shaking hands and welcoming us. We felt very welcome. The Pastor, Brother Wayne Robertson may not remember our name, but he remembers we’re from Tallahassee.  It is great to feel a part of the family of God! If you are ever in Valdosta on a Sunday and want a blessing and hear the Word of God preached, visit Morningside.

It is always a powerful night to listen to and worship with Greater Vision! My favorite song is still ‘My Name is Lazarus!’

My long time friend Donna joined us for the concert and  hamburgers and onion rings at Slap Daddy’s after the concert. Heather and I have a lot of traditions and eating at Slap Daddy’s if we’re in Valdosta is one. If you haven’t tried Slap Daddy’s I highly recommend it.

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The Kingsmen Quartet at Indian Springs Southern Baptist Church in Tallahassee

Once again, compliments to Kingsmen’s sound man Brandon Reese who did a great job of balancing the sound in a small church sanctuary.

We don’t get to see The Kingsmen Quartet often, but they are one of our favorites. They were as enthusiastic singing to a small group as they would be to a thousand. On a couple of songs they brought the mics out into audience and involved the congregation in the singing. Chris Jenkins, their tenor, impressed us with his piano playing on a couple of numbers.

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Ivan Parker at Fellowship Baptist Church in Tallahassee

This was the first time we had seen Ivan Parker. He did all the songs he’s known for including “Midnight Cry”. We would go back.

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Brian Free and Assurance at First Newark Baptist Church in Thomasville, Georgia

First off, the concert was advertised on local media and on Brian Free’s website as starting at 6pm. It actually was at 7 and even then started late, so by the time it started we, and about 25 other people, had been sitting there almost 2 hours and were ready to leave.

That being said, they were very good. They have a more modern, fast paced sound than most traditional (I like traditional) Southern Gospel quartets and featured individual group members on almost every song instead of focusing on 4 part harmony. The bass singer, Jeremy Lile, had a great voice, but his talent was under utilized and was more of  a ‘background’ member. We would go see them again, but would call the church, especially if their website hadn’t been updated in a year, like Newark’s, to double check the starting time.

They do hBrian Free busave the coolest bus I’ve ever seen.

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Emmaus Road Quartet at Woodville United Methodist Church, Woodville, Florida

This was the first time we saw this group. They are a typical Southern Gospel quartet with good harmony. The baritone and bass singers are both new to the group, but you would not have known if they had not said something. The bass singer has only been with them a month. He has a good voice although he’s no Burman Porter or Tim Riley. They sang a combination of hymn standards and newer songs. We would certainly go see them again if they’re in the area.

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The Perrys, The Hoppers, Triumphant Quartet, and Gold City at Westside Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Florida

This was a lot longer drive than Heather and I usually make, but with 4 great groups we made it. We got back home about 1:30am and 27 degrees. It was well worth it.

This was a Bill Bailey Concert Production.

  • The Perrys were very good. Tracy and Libby’s son Jared is stepping up and filling in until his dad returns. This was only his 3rd night and he did great. Tracy was there in his wheelchair and was even rolled to the front and sang one song with the group.
  • The Hoppers. This was the first time we had seen them. They did all their hits, which we really enjoyed.
  • The Triumphant Quartet What can I say about Triumphant. Fantastic sound, harmony, and stage presence. After they finished and went to their product table I took Heather to say hello to Clayton. He was so sweet and thanked her several times for letting him take a picture with her.
Heather & Clayton Inman

Clayton Inman & Heather

  • Gold City. I had forgotten how great a bass voice Tim Riley has. They have a great sound. Gold City is definitely one of our favorites.
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Booth Brothers and Punches Family at The Lighthouse Children’s Home in Tallahassee, Florida

  • The Lighthouse Girls led off as usual. They are always inspirational. I want to express a special thank you to Taylor who always makes it a point to come to say hello and give Heather a hug.
  • The Punches Family is always entertaining. If you read my blog regularly you know I don’t particularly like bluegrass music, but this group is very good, and the kids are so cute and talented.


  • The Booth Brothers have the most polished, professional sound of any Southern Gospel group. They are a trio so there is no bass, but they make up for it with perfect harmony.
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Gann Brothers at Forest Heights Baptist Church in Tallahassee

The night was led off by 30 long minutes of a local group of older women named Glory Bound. They were different, certainly not a group we would have gone to see on purpose. The leader was not nearly as witty as she thought she was; and told, what I thought, was an inappropriate joke for church about a dead mule (or donkey or something). She also kept pointing to people in the audience and saying “Hey xxxx, I remember you from the Legion Hall”. Imagine that with a ‘hick‘ accent.

We hadn’t heard the Gann Brothers in many years. They were just as good as were remembered.


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The Dove Brothers and Georgia Boys at Cross Creek Baptist Church in Nashville, Georgia

The church was a small, very friendly church on the outskirts of Nashville. We almost didn’t go because I couldn’t find an address. It turns out they don’t have a phone at the church.

  • The Georgia Boys are a local area quartet. They were good.
  • The Dove Brothers have been going through a lot of changes lately.
  1. The name has changed again. It was The Dove Brothers Quartet, then The Dove Brothers Band, and now McCray Dove and The Dove Brothers Band.
  2. It’s not ‘brothers’ anymore. Eric Dove has come off the road and has been replaced.
  3. The piano player is gone and McCray now plays piano, which stops all group interaction during songs. One of the groups main draws is their on-stage interaction and McCray’s ‘antics’ during “Didn’t It Rain” and “Get Away Jordan” which is gone now. McCray also doesn’t have the ‘flair’ of previous piano players.
  4. Bass singer David Hester left and Burman Porter (who, in my opinion, has the finest bass voice in all of Southern Gospel music) came back in Sept. 2011. Now 2 years later, Burman is gone and the bus driver David Cable is singing bass. He did an okay job, but certainly can’t fill the shoes of the likes of David Hester and Burman Porter.
  5. They sounded good, but are moving more towards the ‘twangy’ bluegrass style with the steel guitar and sound. They butchered several of their standards with the ‘twang’.

Don’t misunderstand, these guys are still one of our favorites, we just miss the days ‘before the band’.



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