Glenn Dustin leaves Legacy Five

Legacy Five just announced in their email newsletter that founding bass member Glenn Dustin is leaving the group. Dustin’s statement read:

Dear Legacy Five Family,

If you know me at all, you know I am a man of few words, so I’ll be brief.

It is with much regret that I am announcing my resignation. Effective immediately, I will no longer be traveling and singing with Legacy Five. I have had the time of my life, traveling the highways with L5, getting to meet so many wonderful people. However, nothing lasts forever. I have been honored to see so many things that I would have never had the opportunity to, apart from L5. I have so many wonderful memories, and I will miss so many people.

Please keep me and my family in your thoughts and prayers, and continue to pray for and encourage L5. I will miss those men, and I doubt there will be a day that passes where I don’t think of them. I have so many wonderful memories.

In His Grip,
Glenn “Cuz” Dustin

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The McKameys at The Lighthouse Children’s Home in Tallahassee, Florida

My daughter and her family came into town for my 60th birthday. Thank you guys!
It was the first time Brandy or Michael or grandson Mik had seen the McKameys. They really enjoyed the music and the powerful message in the songs.
Ms Cindy stood us up.

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Collingsworth Family at Morningside Baptist Church, Valdosta, Georgia

This was the first time we heard The Collingsworth Family.

First, let me say this is the friendliness church we have ever been in. There were greeters outside in the parking lot, in the vestibule, and again inside the sanctuary. As we sat there (we are always early to make sure we get the ‘right’ seat) church members went up and down the aisles shaking hands, even young elementary aged children were greeting everyone. We felt very welcome. As we leaving a lady was helping, what appeared to be her mother, into her wheelchair, a deacon came rushing over and offered to wheel her out while the daughter pulled the car to the front. You can’t beat that.

The Collingsworth Family was outstanding. The harmony was great. They bring a grand piano with them in a trailer they tow behind the bus to all performances. I’d like to have watched them get it up on the stage. My only negative is the concert was much too long to not have had a break.

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Dove Brothers and The Chuck Wagon Gang at The Lighthouse Children’s Home in Tallahassee, Florida

  • Dove Brothers – Great as always, Burman Porter is back as the bass singer. We will miss David Hester, but Burman is back!
  • Chuck Wagon Gang – Very good, still miss Dave Emory
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The LeFevre Quartet at The Living Hope Faith Center in Cairo, Georgia

Thsi was a small pentecostal type church, with very friendly outgoing people. It is definitely a country church. This little old lady kept hollering “hal-a-lou-yer, praise the Loaurd!”

We just saw The LeFevres last month, still great sound.

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Michael Combs at Reedy Branch Baptist Church in Broxton, Georgia

This church is in middle of no-where, I know I say that a lot, but Broxton is a one light town, and this church is 15 miles outside of town. You stand outside the front door and you can’t see another building or house. The pastor is an interesting man. He looks like he stepped out right of the early 70s, leisure suit, hair, and long sideburns.

Michael Combs was great, but a little long, he kept repeating parts of his testimony over and over.

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The LeFevre Quartet at Fellowship Baptist Church in Brinson, GA

The church is large for the middle on nowhere. It’s about 11 miles west of Bainbridge, Georgia. The members were friendly to us. The pew we sat on wasn’t bolted to the floor and I almost knocked it over trying to sit down. Then later, when the LeFevres took a break, Mike sat down in choir loft and his row of seats wasn’t bolted down either and he fell over.
This was the 1st time were heard the LeFevre Quartet. We really enjoyed them. They invited us to join then in Cairo next month. We will go.

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The McKameys, Inspirations, & The Perrys at Northview High School Convocation Center in Dothan, Alabama

This was a Bill Bailey Event. He puts on concerts mainly in central Florida, but occasionally in Jacksonville, South Georgia, and Alabama. The Gymatorium was cold and drafty. The acoustics were ‘fair’.

  • The Inspirations – Good concert.
  • McKameys – Great as always.
  • Perrys – Libby was sick, so they were ok.
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Legacy Five at The Lighthouse Children’s Home in Tallahassee, Florida

It is Brandy’s birthday, so they, Brandy, Michael, and Mik, came to see me.
Legacy Five just seemed ‘off’. Harmony was ‘fair’, group interaction seemed ‘off’. It was the shortest concert we’ve ever attended. They seemed in a hurry to sing and get out of there. We love these guys, but this night was disappointing to all.

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Freedom Southern Gospel Jubilee, Marianna, FL

Saturday 7:00 pm, it’s not as hot as last night. Once again, ALL the sound guys did a great job for playing in a ‘cow pavilion’!

2nd night

  • Perrys – They sounded great.
  • Triumphant Quartet -We had never heard them before. Their sound, harmony, and personality were great! They are now at the top of our list. Heather was particularly thrilled with ‘The White Flag of Surrender’. We weren’t familiar with the song, but when a lot of people starting waving their ‘white flags’ she quickly whipped out her white handkerchiefs from her purse she carries for The McKameys concerts.
  • Michael Combs -I definitely like him better in sets like this, rather than solo concerts. Heather likes it when he comes down in the audience as he’s singing and now that he knows her, he always comes to her and shakes her had (which thrills her). Tonight was no exception.
  • Chuck Wagon Gang -The unexpected departure of Dave Emery came a surprise to everyone. We had gotten to know him and always enjoyed chatting with him at concerts. The group’s sound is about the same, but Dave Emery was missed as their emcee.
  • Nelons -This was also the first time we’d heard The Nelons. They were good, but we prefer the quartet style.
  • Diplomats – didn’t show up
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