Greater Vision at Morningside Baptist Church, Valdosta, Georgia

I say this every time we visit Morningside, but this is the friendliness church we have ever been in. There were greeters outside in the parking lot, in the vestibule, and again inside the sanctuary. As we sat there (we always get there early to make sure we get the ‘right’ seat) church members went up and down the aisles shaking hands and welcoming us. We felt very welcome. The Pastor, Brother Wayne Robertson may not remember our name, but he remembers we’re from Tallahassee.  It is great to feel a part of the family of God! If you are ever in Valdosta on a Sunday and want a blessing and hear the Word of God preached, visit Morningside.

It is always a powerful night to listen to and worship with Greater Vision! My favorite song is still ‘My Name is Lazarus!’

My long time friend Donna joined us for the concert and  hamburgers and onion rings at Slap Daddy’s after the concert. Heather and I have a lot of traditions and eating at Slap Daddy’s if we’re in Valdosta is one. If you haven’t tried Slap Daddy’s I highly recommend it.

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