Brian Free and Assurance at First Newark Baptist Church in Thomasville, Georgia

First off, the concert was advertised on local media and on Brian Free’s website as starting at 6pm. It actually was at 7 and even then started late, so by the time it started we, and about 25 other people, had been sitting there almost 2 hours and were ready to leave.

That being said, they were very good. They have a more modern, fast paced sound than most traditional (I like traditional) Southern Gospel quartets and featured individual group members on almost every song instead of focusing on 4 part harmony. The bass singer, Jeremy Lile, had a great voice, but his talent was under utilized and was more of  a ‘background’ member. We would go see them again, but would call the church, especially if their website hadn’t been updated in a year, like Newark’s, to double check the starting time.

They do hBrian Free busave the coolest bus I’ve ever seen.

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