The Perrys, The Hoppers, Triumphant Quartet, and Gold City at Westside Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Florida

This was a lot longer drive than Heather and I usually make, but with 4 great groups we made it. We got back home about 1:30am and 27 degrees. It was well worth it.

This was a Bill Bailey Concert Production.

  • The Perrys were very good. Tracy and Libby’s son Jared is stepping up and filling in until his dad returns. This was only his 3rd night and he did great. Tracy was there in his wheelchair and was even rolled to the front and sang one song with the group.
  • The Hoppers. This was the first time we had seen them. They did all their hits, which we really enjoyed.
  • The Triumphant Quartet What can I say about Triumphant. Fantastic sound, harmony, and stage presence. After they finished and went to their product table I took Heather to say hello to Clayton. He was so sweet and thanked her several times for letting him take a picture with her.
Heather & Clayton Inman

Clayton Inman & Heather

  • Gold City. I had forgotten how great a bass voice Tim Riley has. They have a great sound. Gold City is definitely one of our favorites.
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