Burman Porter leaves the Dove Brothers

Last night, bass singer Burman Porter announced his departure from the Dove Brothers. His Facebook status update indicated that this departure was due to health reasons. He said:

Many of you know that this past weekend during the Grand Ole Gospel Reunion I suffered chest pains that lead me to make a trip to the local emergency room on the night that I was to perform with the Grand Ole Gospel Reunion Quartet. After several rounds of blood tests, x-rays, and an EKG I was released with instructions to not be far from home and to see my family physician as quickly as possible. We were told that the source of my chest pain is stress…and that I should do anything within my ability to reduce my stress level in order to stop the pains and avoid future complications.

Following my doctor visit, and after talking with Robin, we informed McCray that we feel it best that I not return to the road with the group. McCray says he has found my replacement, so I’m sure you can look for his announcement sometime soon…but I wanted you to hear it from me first.

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