The Perrys and The Mark Trammell Quartet at The Lighthouse Children’s Home in Tallahassee, Florida

It was raining. It was raining big time. Only the dedicated came out tonight! The crowd was good. There are a lot of Southern Gospel lovers in the area!

  • The Lighthouse Girls led off as usual. There are a lot of new girls, so they’re still learning the songs, but they were inspirational as always!
  • The Perrys are missing their bass and alto singer as Tracy is still in intensive care (9 weeks now) and Libbi is by his side.  The fill-in girl did a good job, but she’s no Libbi. Joseph and Bryan are doing a great job ‘keeping it together’ during this time. The crowd enjoyed them, and at one point they got Libbi on the phone and she spoke to the audience thanking us for our love and prayers and giving an update on Traci. It was very touching.
  • The Mark Trammell Quartet was ‘on fire’ tonight! They started off with several popular hymns that we all miss hearing. They then sang some Southern Gospel standards before doing their own songs. They have definitely found their sound. The group interacted well and kept us entertained. At the end of their set they had the Perrys come up on stage and sing a number. Outstanding!

Great night. Let it rain, nobody cared! At one point the rain was so loud on the gym roof it drowned out the singing.

To quote Dorman as we left, “we knew we had been to Church!”

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