Dove Brothers Quartet at The Lighthouse Children’s Home in Tallahassee, Florida

The Lighthouse Girls – led off singing Christmas songs. They were perfect. Taylor sang O Holy Night. She was was fantastic, as usual.

The Dove Brothers – have been our favorite for many, many years. Tonight was strange. Billy kept talking about the gym having bad acoustics. We have heard this group, at the Lighthouse, in that gym, over 20 times. The problem with their sound tonight was not the gym’s acoustics. They just couldn’t get their sound adjusted. The band overpowered the singers. You could hardly hear McCray even on solos. They seem to be trying a new sound, more twangy, it’s not working. My personal opinion, well, not just me, many others I talked with during the break, is the steel guitar does NOT fit with their sound. It detracted, a lot. I hope this is just an experiment and they go back to the great sound they had back in September the last time we saw them, and ALL the previous times.

Just for the record, this is the first negative thing I’ve ever said about them. Sorry, facts are facts.

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