Collingsworth Family at Morningside Baptist Church, Valdosta, Georgia

This was the first time we heard The Collingsworth Family.

First, let me say this is the friendliness church we have ever been in. There were greeters outside in the parking lot, in the vestibule, and again inside the sanctuary. As we sat there (we are always early to make sure we get the ‘right’ seat) church members went up and down the aisles shaking hands, even young elementary aged children were greeting everyone. We felt very welcome. As we leaving a lady was helping, what appeared to be her mother, into her wheelchair, a deacon came rushing over and offered to wheel her out while the daughter pulled the car to the front. You can’t beat that.

The Collingsworth Family was outstanding. The harmony was great. They bring a grand piano with them in a trailer they tow behind the bus to all performances. I’d like to have watched them get it up on the stage. My only negative is the concert was much too long to not have had a break.

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