Freedom Southern Gospel Jubilee, Marianna, FL

Saturday 7:00 pm, it’s not as hot as last night. Once again, ALL the sound guys did a great job for playing in a ‘cow pavilion’!

2nd night

  • Perrys – They sounded great.
  • Triumphant Quartet -We had never heard them before. Their sound, harmony, and personality were great! They are now at the top of our list. Heather was particularly thrilled with ‘The White Flag of Surrender’. We weren’t familiar with the song, but when a lot of people starting waving their ‘white flags’ she quickly whipped out her white handkerchiefs from her purse she carries for The McKameys concerts.
  • Michael Combs -I definitely like him better in sets like this, rather than solo concerts. Heather likes it when he comes down in the audience as he’s singing and now that he knows her, he always comes to her and shakes her had (which thrills her). Tonight was no exception.
  • Chuck Wagon Gang -The unexpected departure of Dave Emery came a surprise to everyone. We had gotten to know him and always enjoyed chatting with him at concerts. The group’s sound is about the same, but Dave Emery was missed as their emcee.
  • Nelons -This was also the first time we’d heard The Nelons. They were good, but we prefer the quartet style.
  • Diplomats – didn’t show up
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